Nov 17, 2023

Most commodities continued on a "risk-off" path to end the week. Trade seems unsure about China/U.S. relations and weather forecasts continued to add rain into major growing regions of Brazil. The USDA was quiet at 8 a.m. this morning and made no sale announcements. Overall, Friday was a quiet in terms of fresh news or headlines.
"Escalator up, elevator shaft down" - After breaking lower for 3 days, January soybeans have already retraced 50% of their 24 day rally. Upward trends still remain intact and these pullbacks are necessary to maintain healthy markets.

"Escalator up, elevator shaft down" - After breaking lower for 3 days, January soybeans have already retraced 50% of their 24 day rally. Upward trends still remain intact and these pullbacks are necessary to maintain healthy markets.